Black Lives Matter?

There is no arguing that the social and political climate of our country is tumultous. Taking center stage in this storm is the organization "Black Lives Matter." In this episode of the "Just Thinking Podcast", Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker engage in a lengthy, Bible-based discussion regarding the Black Lives Matter organization, their leadership, and their agenda. Their critique and evaluation of this movement/organization provides followers of Jesus the opportunity to consider whether or not "BLM" falls in line with the teaching of the Bible.
As followers of Jesus, we believe that God created one race (Genesis 1:26-27) and that all people, regardless of their ethnicity, are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) making them equally valuable and precious. We also believe that God is, among other realities, a God of justice (Isaiah 30:18). The question, then, that must be considered is whether or not the justice for people of different ethnicities, that so many speak of today, is the same justice that God speaks of in His Word.
Please take time to listen to this podcast (Link below). Because of it's length, we would encourage you to listen to it in segments allowing the content of this conversation to help you think biblically.
Our desire, as your pastors, is that FaithPoint Church will be a place where people from every tribe, language, people, and nation (Revelation 5:9) will hear and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ resulting in a congregation of multi-ethnic people united in the worship of God who reflect that worship through their genuine love and valuing of all people.
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December 29, 2020
Who's In Charge?August 25, 2020
Black Lives Matter?June 12, 2020
Biblical Thinking