Biblical Thinking
Dear FaithPoint Family,
One of the pastor’s primary tasks is to equip the members of his flock to navigate the days in which they live, focused on God’s purposes, according to God’s Word, for God’s glory.
Well, the days in which FaithPoint members, and all Christians for that matter, are living are chaotic, disorienting, and dividing. People are hurting. How are we to care? Social media has turned into a shouting match. How are we to be communicating? Complex ideas are being reduced to oversimplified hashtags. How are we to think? Definitions are changing. Are we drifting or remaining grounded? Are we examining everything in light of what Scripture has to say?
We must remember that we as Christians are to always … and yes, I mean always … live our lives counter-culturally. Our lives are not to be guided by our culture’s purposes, defined by our culture’s narrative, or conducted by our culture’s methods.
The lost, hurting, and deeply broken world in which we live does not need us to bring more darkness, but rather to stand with a clear and steady light.
- we need to shine the light of genuine love and care for every person around us and seek to understand what is the burden they carry (helpful article for this)
- we need to shine the light of Biblical thinking (more below)
- we need to shine the light of a heart that is controlled by the peace and hope that is ours in Christ Jesus (Colossians 3:15-17)
- we need to communicate grace (Ephesians 4:29)
Below are some links to teaching which will:
- help our thinking be molded by Truth not by our culture
- help us communicate Truth in love
- help us seek to make a difference while not abandoning Truth
These are not political in nature, but Theological in nature and culturally applicable.
I am deeply burdened that each of us spend more time in God’s Word and less time filling our minds with the opinions and priorities of the world. I pray these will be a help to each of you.
Voddie Bacham on "Social Justice":
Desert Hills Community Church series on "Social Justice"
(link to the pastor's bio page:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
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Biblical Thinking